Blogger Widgets Its just the beginning....: These days....


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

These days....

Hello everyone, finally im back after hfgsdafgdsaufgsdfgshgfsdfhy years. Hahaha. Anyway, i didnt blog much for the past 1-2 months because my computer has alot of problem and idk if im gonna blog much after this update again.

Recently, i've been involve in alot of kpop stuffs. Hahaha. Peer influence (i guess?). Anyways, IM BACK. HEHEHEHE. *Waves*

And also my end of year examinations(EOY) are OVERRRRRRR!!!! Well, here(where i lived), EOY are very stressful and very important as it determines whether you will get to be promoted to the next level. If you dont, all your hardwork will be gone and you either have to drop or remain at that level. 

Well, im really happy as i've heard from my classmates that all the girls in my class has been promoted to the next level while 3-4 guys did not make it. Its really sad as we(my class) last year have graduated to the next year together and now some of them might not make it. 

Well, all of us will split into different classes next year depending on what subjects we will be taking. The subjects we will be taking determines what we will have to study for our O levels. (O levels is a international exam that everybody has to take no matter where you are. As long as you are studying, you will have to take it. different country do it differently)

I will miss them as we have spend 2 years of our secondary life together as a class and we have to split classes next year. 1C'12 & 2C'13 fighting!!!! 

I will be updating on my other blog too as that blog is so much more inactive than this one. Do check it out here ^^


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